A good practice when sending requests to support is to provide screenshot or video to explain issue.
For this you can use specialized 3rd party software like Snagit available on https://www.techsmith.com/store/snagit or tools available on your operating system.
Apple Mac OS X
(image and video) Screenshot Toolbar https://support.apple.com/en-gb/HT208721
Microsoft Windows 10
- (image only) Snipping Tool https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/use-snipping-tool-to-capture-screenshots-00246869-1843-655f-f220-97299b865f6b
- (image and video) Game Bar https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/keyboard-shortcuts-for-xbox-game-bar-85d97243-c89b-1ae1-6402-0faf35d6489d
Once recorded, you can upload image or video to your DropBox, Google Drive, iCloud, One Drive or other cloud storage and provide share link with us.